Ted's Blog

Happy coding

给 Ted 留言

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Kasper… nej je 说:
2016年8月15日 19:48

Kasper… nej jeg undrer mig ogsÃ¥.. for hvad er der blevet af sosu-hjælperen, kassedamen ( ved godt det hovedsagligt er unge efterhÃ¥nden) rengøringsassistenten, buschaufføren o.s.v.

Hi, we are open 6 da 说:
2016年8月15日 19:43

Hi, we are open 6 days a week (closed Sunday). The new owners have a popular fencing business in Saskatoon, you can contact them here: Stop by the new showroom!

Ciao Davide è la pr 说:
2016年8月15日 19:07

Ciao Davide è la prima volta che faccio un giretto nel tuo blog..ma mi sa che ci ritornerò presto...Baudelaire lo adoro quindi mi associo alla tua scelta,idem per Kafka...e che mi dici di Charles Bukowski?Possedeva una rara e sana follia che secondo me lo rende un eletto.Buon weekend.Ishtar

I only understood th 说:
2016年8月15日 19:06

I only understood the 2nd paragraph and the first half of the 3rd paragraph. Maybe I'm just dense. The only poetry I've read since high school has been on this blog, though.

Nataniel pisze:Chara 说:
2016年8月15日 18:43

Nataniel pisze:Charakterystyczny, trojkatny wysoki biurowiec u zbiegu North,Damen i Milwaukee wykupiony.Biurowiec pozostanie. Do niego przylegac bedzie pietrowy parking na 240 samochodow, nad parkingiem 45 condos, a na dole sklepy do wynajecia. Kto ma owce ten ma co chce.

Isn't food also a ba 说:
2016年8月15日 18:37

Isn't food also a basic human right? Doesn't that then justify government provision of food, produced on government-operated farms, sold in government-operated grocery stores and government-operated restaurants, etc.? They tried that in the Soviet Union and Communist China and millions of people starved to death.

I love the different 说:
2016年8月15日 17:47

I love the different levels hems have these days!! Nice Collective, Wilt, Mason, even American Vintage are comming up with cool different looks like the top you have on.

I really want to try 说:
2016年8月15日 17:42

I really want to try xubuntu 8.04 beta…I downloaded iso, make CD’s…and I’m stuck! really stuck!…for about a couples of hours…xubuntu ask me for USERNAME & PASSWORD on first screen! it’s top secret for me!… for a couple of hour I’m Google-it , with no chance or luck!Who will reveal to me this xubuntu secret? (ubuntu 8.04 doesn’t ask for nothing, it works right ahead)……Don’t stop at the first secret…tell the second one too: root password!

You might check your 说:
2016年8月15日 17:09

You might check your manual for both the camera and the one for the lens. If the camera is on Manual and the lens is on MA which is on a Nikon, it allows for both Auto focus on Manual and Auto settings. I use the MA setting when shooting on Continuous. That way I get at least one image in great focus of a fast moving subject. The camera is pre-set for manual settings for ISO, aperture, and shutter.

Hello Pangloss,Congr 说:
2016年8月15日 17:08

Hello Pangloss,Congratulations to you from your faithful readers in New York City. You are famous! You have a blog!Positivons is as always excellent and sadly true. We are doomed for the next 4 years with a King George that « persiste et signe » in his madness.Erwin, Dave, Betsy, Vito, Varda, Michael, Reggie, Sterling and Steve

I¡¯m delighted tha 说:
2016年8月15日 16:44

I¡¯m delighted that I’ve noticed this weblog. Finally something not a junk, which we go through incredibly frequently. The website is lovingly serviced and kept up to date. So it should be, thank you for sharing this with us.

even though we know 说:
2016年8月15日 16:43

even though we know some of the other wonderful felines and value their causes, she cannot resist your hat! Good luck buddy, paws crossed for ya.

from the Most Vene 说:
2016年8月15日 16:36

from the Most Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh, whom I previously quoted and wrote a little bio for here. This is it: Maybe intellectually people know that they should live in the present moment, but the

En me connectant auj 说:
2016年8月15日 16:25

En me connectant aujourd’hui je suis parti voir l’atlier des boucher et en apprenant le metier jai regarder les recettes qu’ on puvaient faire avec ce meier ci .Et dans ces recettes il y ‘ a tout les familiers et montiliers de dofus .Donc un moment j’apparait sur 2montiliers qui me sont totalement inconnues se nommmant pour le premier sakochére et le second balafreux .Et je decouvre en suite que leur zone de prédilection est pandala .Y aurait il une possible refonte de ce coté ?

Grym berättelse. Ka 说:
2016年8月15日 16:22

Grym berättelse. Kan leva mig in i varje meter och varje känsla. Skönt att citatet på min blogg kunde hjälpa dig lite :) Än en gång GRATTIS till en superfin prestation!!! PS: om du ser någon med VÄLDIGT stora byxor och VÄLDIGT bylsig tröja så är det jag som rotat fram kläder ur mannens garderob som jag kan slänga i starten. Vill ju inte stå och frysa 1,5 timme idag och vill ju inte offra mina egna :)

Grey, if you read my 说:
2016年8月15日 16:21

Grey, if you read my comment, you would see that I said that the three digit number 211 was on the slip, not on the card. It was written not embossed as you cannot emboss a slip.It was hand written on the slip in three of the six squares supplied ON THE SLIP and was as I said an invalid card verification number.There was no mention of any number printed on the card as you seem to suggest, and I repeat for the umpteenth time that the number I referred and the number that Peter also referred to was in his article was 211 rejection code written on the slip.I hope that clears up[ your confusion!

I went to tons of li 说:
2016年8月15日 15:35

I went to tons of links before this, what was I thinking?

Brilliance for free; 说:
2016年8月15日 14:46

Brilliance for free; your parents must be a sweetheart and a certified genius.

D’accord avec 说:
2016年8月15日 14:36

D’accord avec vous. On sait que les certains fonds doivent statutairement détenir de la dette souveraine de différents pays.Mais rien ne les force à prêter à des taux aussi bas s’ils n’ont pas confiance dans le débiteur. Demandez aux Espagnols, Portugais ou Italiens. Il y a un an, nous étions encore triple A et devions alors payer des taux bien supérieurs. Que s’est-il passé entretemps ?

Complottismo al serv 说:
2016年8月15日 14:12

Complottismo al servizio della politica? Politica al servizio del complottismo? Forse nessuno, forse entrambi. Questa storia mi ricorda un po' quella del libretto universitario di Di Pietro in Italia. Chiacchiere per imbonire la gente, prive di sostanza.